Youth Ministry


Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School 10:30AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Bible Study
The Youth Ministry of Open Door Community Church

The Open Door Community Church's Youth Ministry wants all of our teens to know Jesus Christ and to find their ultimate joy and satisfaction in Him. We have designed our youth ministry to deepen their understanding of the greatness of our God, and to give encouragement in their pursuit of godliness.

We understand that in this ever-changing world and with all the different things our youth are constantly being exposed to; they need to know that they have access to an unchanging God who knows exactly what they are going through. We believe that it is important that today's youth understand there is a biblical application to address every aspect of their young lives.

"When I go to youth at church I look forward to coming together and fellowship and talking and learning about God's word." -DC

Our youth ministry is a safe place for our teenagers to express themselves as they continue to discover their identity and calling in Christ Jesus. Our youth pastor uses strong biblical teachings in a trusted and fun-filled environment to reach our teens just where they are. We believe that the relationships cultivated in youth are some of the most important ones in their lives and encourage fellowship both at church and in the community. Our youth participate in monthly outings, an annual youth trip, and concerts.

We'd love to have you hang out with us!

Please contact us or check out our events page to see any upcoming events for the youth of Open Door Community Church.